TechnoparcOiseaux Activities for the Protection of the Natural Environment
Northern Flicker
Photo: Amy Tremblay
Clean-Up Day

Each April around the time of Earth Day, volunteers from TechnoparcOiseaux and the public take part in an annual clean-up day. This activity is both ecological and informative since the discussion always focuses on the site's biodiversity. We would like to thank the City of Montreal and the St-Laurent Borough for the supply of materials (gloves, bags, etc.).

Black-capped chickadee
By Graham Eady

On April 24, 2021, a TechnoparcOiseaux volunteer, accompanied by David Fletcher and Josie Panzuto from La Coalition Verte, focused on their invertebrate harvest (Daphnia - Fairy shrimps - Anostraca) in the vernal ponds of the Forêt des Sources. These tiny creatures are the start of the food chain, ducks love them! They are poorly known and require further study on their conservation status. Wetlands are an indispensable and incalculable source of life!
From the microscopic specimen to the Great Blue Heron, all are important and interrelated.
Installation, Maintenance
And Monitoring Of Nest Boxes

TechnoparcOiseaux has installed no fewer than 24 nesting boxes,
Bird Protection Quebec (BPQ) made a donation and participated in the installation of 10 birdhouses for passerines.
Volunteer Jacques Cloutier graciously made 2- resting box for bats, several bird nesting boxes, 9- for passerines, 2- for Wood Duck, 1- for American Kestrel, 3- for Great Horned Owl and 2 for Barred Owl.


Among our group of volunteers, Julien Bourdeau has dedicated himself to the fight against rodenticides
Along with other members of the team, he is involved in the public and private sectors to change attitudes and practices of rodent control.
These poisons placed in traps outside buildings are eaten by several species of small animals. They kill preys that larger predators, such as coyotes, foxes, owls and hawks, feed on.
Furthermore, several studies show that predators are also affected by the poisons ingested by their prey.
Tagging Of Monarch Butterflies

One of our members, supported by a small team, has been working for several years with the Monarch Watch group to continue the study on the migration of Monarchs in North America. In the middle of April 2021, a female Monarch marked here in 2020 was found in Marion IL - USA on the following Sept. 30 after having traveled nearly 1500 km.
In 2021, over 75 monarchs were tagged, bringing our total to 150 in the past three years. Volunteers also ensure the health of the Common Milkweed population, the only plant that the caterpillar feeds on. It is also the one on which the adult female butterfly lays its eggs.

The TechnoparcOiseaux joyous volounters have now installed 3 feeding stations at the Sources Ecological Park.
Each station has several feeders full of Black oil sunflower seed, niger seed and millet, of course peanuts in the shell for our Blue Jays friends.
Feeders are installed, filled and cleaned by TechnoparcOiseaux volunteer crew.
The stations are cleared of bushes and shrubs and are rid of snow by whomever can handle a shovel.
In the spring, the feeders are reset. We sincerely wish to thank those who have contributed to help offset the cost of seed for the feeders
Step 1: Copy the model letter using this buttontparcbirds@gmail.com