2012 May 18 - VdeM Video webinar # 1 Roundtable / Roundtable: Technoparc (05.18.2021)
2021 May 04 - Species at Risk Act, Gouv. from Canada
2021 April 06 - COSEWIC Least bittern response to Colby-Monet
2021 March 26 - MÉTRO - Technoparc la Coalition Verte loses in Superior Court against the City
2021 February 22 - Journal de Montréal - The REM Tunneler causes land subsidence
2021 February 04 - Bird emblems of municipalities
2021 January 27 - MÉTRO - What future for Montreal's last wetlands?
2021 January 11 - Letter to Valérie Plante - Rodenticides
2021 January 06 - Radio Canada Ohdio - Endangered birds according to Ornithologists
2020 December 13 - Letter to Monique Pauzé, Bloc Québécois
2020 December 03 - Westmount Mag editorial re: Réserve faunique
2020 November 12 - Letter to the Hon. J. Wilkinson Minister of Environment and Climate Change
2020 November 06 - West Island Blog - Mtl Technoparc's enchanting wildlife
2020 July 15 - Metro - Discover the hidden treasures of the Technoparc
2020 June 08 - WEBTV.COOP - Green Coalition teleconference - TechnoparcOiseaux
2020 - Change.org - Petition Save the Wetlands of the Technoparc
2020 November 02 - Montreal Times - Green Coalition Calls `` Scandal ''
2020 October 25 - TPO - Report on the impact of infrastructure work at the Eco-Campus Hubert-Reeves
2020 February 12 - Westmount Mag - Darkness and Light: Montreal, the Environment and Valérie Plante
2020 February 12 - Westmount Mag - Darkness and light: Montreal, it's environment and Valérie Plante
2020 Feb 05 - Montreal Times - Environmentalists Protest Mayor Plante
2020 February 03 - MÉTRO - The CV in Superior Court vs Technoparc
2020 February 03 - CTV NEWS - The CV in Superior Court vs Technoparc
2019 December - Gouv. du Québec - Guidelines for calculating the financial contribution required as compensation for damage to wetlands and bodies of water.
2019 August 30 - La PRESSE - An ecological park will emerge near PET / YUL
2018 December - Wild flora of Montreal - Sierra Club Quebec
2018 August 17 - Gouv. QC - Regulation respecting compensation for damage to wetlands and bodies of water
2018 October 04 - REM We present the future Marie-Curie station
2018 September 19 - Babette - The Technoparc & the Huber-Reeves Eco-campus: A tragedy
2018 March 29 - Huffpost - Montreal repatriates its Technoparc
2018 October 07 - TVA News - Work denounced REM Technoparc station
2018 October 07 - 24H Quebecor - Work denounced Technoparc REM station
2018 September 20 - CBC NEWS- Environmental groups ask court to stop Technoparc REM
2018 September 20 - Left Press - Citizens demand that REM respect the law
2018 September 18 - Journal de Montréal - Denounced work REM Technoparc station
2018 September 18 - CTV NEWS - Group seeks injunction vs Technoparc
2018 September 11 - Le Devoir - Ecologists denounce the slaughter at the Technoparc
2018 September 11 - The PRESS - The work of the REM worries the green people
2018 September 10 - Global News - Environmentalists worry REM Technoparc Mtl site
2018 September 07 - Montreal Gazette - Rail work set to begin at Technoparc Mtl site
2018 August 26 - Pimento Report # 132 - Elizabeth May - Preserve the Technoparc marshes
018 August 19 - MÉTRO - The federal government called on to save a threatened Heron in Montreal
2018 August 17 - Montreal Gazette - Birders call on City to protect bird habitat at Technoparc
2018 August 14 - Montreal Gazette - Plante deserves credit but more can be done at Technoparc
2018 June 08 - Montreal Gazette - Top 7 bird watching spot in Montreal
2018 May 23 - La PRESSE - Urban birds - Treasures a few steps away
2018 May 17 - La PRESSE - Wetlands A law necessary for sustainable development
2018 March 30 - Montreal Gazette - Technoparc shake-up - hope to environmentalists
2018 January - POQ - Conservation of forests and wetlands at Technoparc Montréal
17 October 26 - Radio Canada - A nature park project blocked for years in Saint-Laurent
2017 September 02 - Montreal Times - Technoparc backs off from birdwatchers
2017 Aug 27 - CTV NEWS - Despite legal notice, birdwatchers gather in Technoparc Mtl.
2017 August 08 - POQ - Letter to McKenna - Technoparc
2017 July 18 - Whereas the Least Bittern, critical habitat demand to Ottawa
2017 July 12 - Hemisphere Technoparc Group
2017 May 27 - Le Devoir - Alexandre Shields - How much are wetlands worth?
2017 April 14 - TVA NEWS - A major wetland in Montreal under threat
2017 April 14 - CTV NEWS - Birds vs. buildings in St. Laurent wetlands
2017 April 14 - Global News - Bird enthusiasts worry about land near Technoparc
2017 April 14 - Montreal Gazette - Bird enthusiasts flock to Technoparc
2017 January 09 - Nature environment blog - Technoparc-ses-wet-sites-et-les-oiseaux
2016 December - Kim Marineau Technoparc Hubert-Reeves project final report
2016 December 16 - Rodger Titman (St-Laurent Eco-Campus Hubert Reeves report)
2016 December 18 - BPQ - Letter to McKennaTechnoparc
2016 September 14 - CBC NEWS - Activists to save at-risk heron from Technoparc
2016 August 30 - Global News - Mtl Technoparc wildlife in danger
2016 August 15 - Go Oiseaux - Technoparc one of the best ornithological sites
2016 August 12 - Montreal Times - Endengered species - Elizabeth May asks federal intervention
2016 August 10 - MÉTRO - Technoparc, the Green Party calls for federal intervention
2016 July 24 - CTV NEWS - Technoparc development has bird watcher's feathers ruffled
2016 July 24 - Montreal Gazette - Technoparc work delayed 2 weeks amid bird nesting
2016 July 21 - Master Plan of the Eco-Campus Hubert-Reeves Technoparc Montreal
2016 July 19 - Montreal Gazette - Conservationists fear development will scare birds away in St-Laurent
2016 July 18 - CBC NEWS - TP expansion will disrupt bird watching “paradise”
2016 July 18 - RADIO CANADA - A threatened bird sanctuary “Les petits Everglades” de Montréal
2016 July 17 - La PRESSE - A small natural jewel under threat
2016 - Club d ' Observateurs d'Oiseaux de Laval - La Faune du Technoparc de Montréal
2014 December - Coulée Ruisseau Bertrand concept plan
2013 December 10 - Éco-Campus Hubert-Reeves Technoparc Montreal
2013 September 18 - Constructo - Parc-nature des Sources: the latest of Montreal's nature parks
2013 September 13 - Montreal - Parc-nature des Sources, the money created by Ville de Montreal
2012 May - Technoparc - Eco-Campus Hubert-Reeves, A vision of the Future
2017 November - Golf Dorval - Green Coalition
2004 December - Montreal - Protection and enhancement policy for natural environments
TechnoparcOiseaux is:
Environmental protection group
Ornithology group
Protection of wetlands